To address the challenges we face within the current and future AI ecosystem, the transformative power of movements is necessary. The funding we provide via Mozilla’s Fellowships & Awards programs is a key element of this movement-building.
In a landscape dominated by powerful corporations, irresponsible tech solutionism and rampant individualism, we intentionally seek to invest where others do not, taking risks on innovators who work with a simple yet radical notion: that they are a part of something bigger. We recorded the highest-ever response to our calls for proposals last year, demonstrating this community of public-interest innovators is growing. It is indisputable: there is a growing concern about the impact of AI on communities all over the world and a need for more resources to support those working to advance trustworthy AI. Mozilla continues to provide those precious resources — to policy experts in Brazil, to activists in Kenya, to open-data innovators in the UK, and beyond.
We are proud of last year’s work to support the growth, nourishment and sustainability of those working at the intersection of AI and social justice to promote an ethical, responsible and inclusive internet environment. But the work doesn’t stop there. There is so much more work to do.
Thank you to the following Mozilla staff and contractors who contributed writing and feedback to this: Subha Wijesiriwardena, Roselyn Odoyo, Mehan Jayasuriya, Koliwe Majama, Kofi Yeboah, Kevin Zawacki, Janice Wait, J. Bob Alotta, Hanan Elmasu, Hailey Froese, Chenai Chair, and Amy Schapiro Raikar.