Sony WF-1000XM3

Sony WF-1000XM3


Passé en revue le : 2 novembre 2020

Mozilla a effectué 0 heure de recherches

L’avis de Mozilla :

Vote du public : Moyennement flippant
Tiny little wireless earbuds that cancel noise, play music, let you make calls, and bug Google Assistant or Alexa with all your questions. Sony's wireless earbuds look cool and comes with a "high-friction rubber surface" that's supposed to keep them snug in your ear, even if that feature sounds kinda funny. Sony, can we please talk for a minute about how you've developed the world's most confusing naming system for your headphone though? Because, really, what is up with that?

Que pourrait-il se passer en cas de problème ?

We couldn't find too much that could go wrong with these wireless headphones. We suppose you might go and try to read their privacy policy, get lulled into boredom by the complex, legal language and fall asleep with the volume on your headphones up way too loud, causing hearing loss. Don't listen to your music so loud when reading privacy policies! And Sony, make your privacy information more accessible to consumers. Sony does say it may use or share anonymized personal data for marketing purposes. This is generally OK, although many privacy researchers will point out it is relatively easy to de-anonymize such data.
  • mobile

Ce produit peut-il m’espionner ? informations


Appareil : Non

Application : Oui


Appareil : Oui

Application : Non

Piste la géolocalisation

Appareil : Non

Application : Oui

Que peut-on utiliser pour s’inscrire ?

Quelles données l’entreprise collecte-t-elle ?

Comment l’entreprise utilise-t-elle les données ?

Aggregated or anonymized data can be used for product development. Aggregated or de-identified data may be shared with third parties to the fullest extent allowed by law. Personal information is not sold by Sony.

Comment pouvez-vous contrôler vos données ?

You can request that data be deleted.

Quel est l’historique de l’entreprise en matière de protection des données des utilisateurs et utilisatrices ?


No known incidents in the last 2 years.

Ce produit peut-il être utilisé hors connexion ?


Informations relatives à la vie privée accessibles et compréhensibles ?


Liens vers les informations concernant la vie privée

Ce produit respecte-t-il nos critères élémentaires de sécurité ? informations




Uses encryption for the Bluetooth.

Mot de passe robuste


You can use the headphones without having to create a password. The device pairs securely via Bluetooth, which does not require a password. If you choose to use the app, it does require a password if you'd like to use the "Backup and restoration of settings" functionality.

Mises à jour de sécurité


This is optional. Select "Automatic download of software" of ‘Headphones Connect’" app to enable you to automatically keep your software updated.

Gestion des vulnérabilités


Sony has a bug bounty program, which means that anyone who finds a security issue and discloses it responsibly may get paid.

Politique de confidentialité


Sony's privacy policy begins with a summary of key points, which is useful.

Le produit utilise-t-il une IA ? informations


*Confidentialité non incluse


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