Attention : *Confidentialité non incluse avec ce produit
Roku is the streaming TV device company that focuses solely on streaming TV. From streaming sticks to connected soundbars to their Roku TVs, they give you lots of "channels" in their app store--everything from standards like Netflix and Hulu, to YuppTV for those can't miss south Asian channels and FunimationNow for the anime lovers. News, weather, sports, classic cartoons, Bollywood HD and Pokémon TV. Roku has something for everyone. They also collect lots of data so they can target ads for everyone too.
Que pourrait-il se passer en cas de problème ?
Roku is like the nosy, gossipy neighbor of connected devices. They track just about everything they can. And share the data with lots and lots of advertisers, channel providers, business affiliates, and more. Roku’s privacy policy says they collect everything from your name, email address, postal address, telephone number, birth date, demographic information, location, device and usage information, and lots and lots of data about what you watch, when you watch it, how long you watch it for. Shoot, Roku also says they can collect audio information when you use the voice-enabled features, and information about your photos, videos, and music files if you use their Roku Media Players to listen or view such things.
Roku likes to know as much about you as they can, but it doesn't stop there with the data collection. Rolu also says they can combine data from “data providers” -- which feels like a pretty vague term that could likely include anything from advertising companies to data brokers to social media -- with the data they collect on you.
Once Roku has all these gobs of data and personal information collected on you, they say they can share that information with lots of third parties. According to Roku's privacy policy, they share your personal data with advertisers to show you targeted ads and create profiles about you over time and across different services and devices. Roku also gives advertisers detailed data about your interactions with advertisements, your demographic data, and audience segment. Roku shares viewing data with measurement providers who may target you with ads. Roku may share your personal information with third parties for their own marketing purposes.
Roku’s data sharing is vast, which is, unfortunately, too common in the streaming TV space. Automatic Content Recognition or ACR is the way Roku and others try to identify every show you watch whether it be streaming, cable, broadcast on an antenna, or even the DVDs you watch. They collect all this data to target you with new shows, and allow you to be targeted with lots of ads from lots of places. It’s a lot of data collection and you should opt out. Note when you opt out of ACR, a Roku spokeswoman said, “Opting out of ACR does not affect collection of information about the use of Roku streaming channels.” So yeah, they’re still collecting data on you, just a little less. Consumer Reports also recommends you take the time to do things like opt out of allowing Roku to access the microphone on your Roku remote control or your mobile device for voice-activated features.
What’s the worst that could happen with Roku? Well, there is this one particularly creepy line in Roku’s privacy policy that says, “Personal information about other people may be collected and used when you use Roku Smart Home devices and services. For instance, your Smart Home Devices may capture videos, images or voice content of other individuals. You are responsible for ensuring compliance with the privacy rights of others when using Roku Smart Home devices.” It would suck to invite your Mom over to watch a movie, get into a conversation with her about your family medical history, have Roku overhear all of that, and then have that conversation exist out on the internet where it could be vulnerable. Not good. But hey, it’s your responsibility to make sure that never happens. Thanks for nothing, Roku.
Conseils pour vous protéger
- Turn off ACR (Automatic Content Recognition) on all your Roku devices
- Turn access to the microphone off on your Roku device.
- Limit ad shraring in your Roku privacy settings.
- Do not sign up with third-party accounts. Better just log in with email and strong password.
- Chose a strong password! You may use a password control tool like 1Password, KeePass etc
- Use your device privacy controls to limit access to your personal information via app (do not give access to your camera, microphone, images, location unless neccessary)
- Keep your app regularly updated
- Limit ad tracking via your device (eg on iPhone go to Privacy -> Advertising -> Limit ad tracking) and biggest ad networks (for Google, go to Google account and turn off ad personalization)
- Request your data be deleted once you stop using the app. Simply deleting an app from your device usually does not erase your personal data.
- When starting a sign-up, do not agree to tracking of your data if possible.
Ce produit peut-il m’espionner ?
Appareil : Non
Application : Non
Appareil : Oui
Application : Oui
Piste la géolocalisation
Appareil : Oui
Application : Oui
Que peut-on utiliser pour s’inscrire ?
Adresse e-mail
Compte tiers
Quelles données l’entreprise collecte-t-elle ?
Name, email, phone number, address, date of birth, viewing habits
Voice recordings
Comment l’entreprise utilise-t-elle les données ?
Comment pouvez-vous contrôler vos données ?
Quel est l’historique de l’entreprise en matière de protection des données des utilisateurs et utilisatrices ?
No known incidents in the last 3 years.
Informations liées à la vie privée des enfants
Ce produit peut-il être utilisé hors connexion ?
Informations relatives à la vie privée accessibles et compréhensibles ?
Liens vers les informations concernant la vie privée
Ce produit respecte-t-il nos critères élémentaires de sécurité ?
Mot de passe robuste
Mises à jour de sécurité
Gestion des vulnérabilités
An independent cybersecurity review into Roku paid for by Mozilla found, "An enumeration of the Roku website’s online resources and various bug bounty programs revealed a lack of an established vulnerability management system." And, "In terms of vulnerability disclosure, Roku appears to lack a dedicated contact for disclosing security vulnerabilities. Generic support is provided via, though no point of contact for security related issues or even a bug bounty program is offered."
Politique de confidentialité
Cette IA est-elle non digne de confiance ?
Quel genre de décisions l’IA prend-elle à votre sujet ou pour vous ?
L’entreprise est-elle transparente sur le fonctionnement de l’IA ?
Les fonctionnalités de l’IA peuvent-elles être contrôlées par l’utilisateur ou l’utilisatrice ?
Pour aller plus loin
Got a Streaming Device? Change These Settings Right NowCNET
How to Turn Off Smart TV Snooping FeaturesConsumer Reports
The FBI just issued a warning about the risks of owning a smart TV — here are its suggestions for protecting your privacyInsider
A Thumbs Down for Streaming PrivacyNew York Times
How to make your smart TV a little dumb (and why you should)Mashable
Yes, your smart TV is spying on you – Here’s how to stop
Standard Privacy Report for RokuCommon Sense
Roku leaves rivals in dust – claiming machine learning breakthroughReTHINK
Samsung and Roku Smart TVs Vulnerable to Hacking, Consumer Reports FindsConsumer Reports
Roku is in the ad business, not the hardware business, says CEOThe Verge
Cheatsheet: Roku expects to make $1 billion in revenue this yearDigiday
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