Fitbit Ace 2

Fitbit Ace 2


Passé en revue le : 2 novembre 2020

Mozilla a effectué 0 heure de recherches

L’avis de Mozilla :

Vote du public : Moyennement flippant
Motivating kids to move these days has come to this -- fitness trackers for the 6 and up crowd. Fitbit's wearable tracker for kids comes with activity and sleep tracking, 5-days of battery life, and a way for kids to customize the face. Parents get parental controls where they can track their kids activity and approve connections with friends, set-up goals and rewards for activity, and encourage competition between their siblings. Gone are the days of Dad yelling at you to get off your lazy butt and go outside! Now there's a device for that.

Que pourrait-il se passer en cas de problème ?

Fitbit does appear to take privacy and security seriously. They meet our Minimum Security Standards and Fitbit says they take extra privacy considerations for children including more limited data collection. However, the device tracks the activity and sleep of a child. Parents should ask themselves, is this information I want gathered and potentially accessible to others about my child? Also, there is a good question to be raised about teaching young children that this level of digital surveillance in their lives is OK. One more consideration. Google is in the process of buying Fitbit. What does that mean? We don't know quite yet, but it does seem that all that sensitive data Fitbit collects may be owned by Google, a company that likes to have as much data on people as possible.
  • mobile

Ce produit peut-il m’espionner ? informations


Appareil : Non

Application : Oui


Appareil : Non

Application : Oui

Piste la géolocalisation

Appareil : Non

Application : Oui

Que peut-on utiliser pour s’inscrire ?

Quelles données l’entreprise collecte-t-elle ?

Comment l’entreprise utilise-t-elle les données ?

Fitbit may share aggregated, de-identified data for analytics. This means that Fitbit can strip your data of personal information and then pool it with other user data. Child accounts have additional, stricter rules about data collection and use. While video footage, voice recordings, and home environment sensor readings won't be used for ad personalization, transcripts of text interactions can be used.

Comment pouvez-vous contrôler vos données ?

You can choose not to sync the device with the app. You can request that data be deleted.

Quel est l’historique de l’entreprise en matière de protection des données des utilisateurs et utilisatrices ?


No known incidents in the last 2 years.

Ce produit peut-il être utilisé hors connexion ?


Informations relatives à la vie privée accessibles et compréhensibles ?


Liens vers les informations concernant la vie privée

Ce produit respecte-t-il nos critères élémentaires de sécurité ? informations




Fitbit protects data sent between your device and the Fitbit app with strong encryption, using at least AES-128 and secure protocols such as TLS and DTLS.

Mot de passe robuste


Fitbit devices work by being paired to a Fitbit account via the Fitbit mobile application. To create a Fitbit account, users are required to provide strong, complex, passwords during onboarding.

Mises à jour de sécurité


Updates are pushed automatically when you pair your device with the app.

Gestion des vulnérabilités


Fitbit has a bug bounty program, which means that anyone who finds a security issue and discloses it responsibly may get paid.

Politique de confidentialité


Does it have a privacy policy?

Le produit utilise-t-il une IA ? informations


*Confidentialité non incluse

Pour aller plus loin

  • Should children wear fitness trackers?
    Techradar Le lien s’ouvre dans un nouvel onglet
  • Is the clock ticking on kids smartwatches?
    Kidscreen Le lien s’ouvre dans un nouvel onglet
  • How to make sure your fitness trackers are secure
    The Verge Le lien s’ouvre dans un nouvel onglet
  • A Google Fitbit means new possibilities and questions for the smartwatch
    CNET Le lien s’ouvre dans un nouvel onglet
  • Google is buying Fitbit: now what?
    The Verge Le lien s’ouvre dans un nouvel onglet


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