Attention : *Confidentialité non incluse avec ce produit
Sometimes when you're working and really into your project you just can't be bothered to actually go make a cup of coffee. What a hassle! Good thing this smart coffee maker from Atomi will make you 12 cups of coffee with the click of a button in the app or even by just shouting, "Hey Google, make coffee!" Chose from regular or strong mode to get the coffee brewed just the way you need it. And if for some reason you want to pause the coffee brewing, you can do that too.
Que pourrait-il se passer en cas de problème ?
There's a lot we couldn't tell about how this smart coffee maker handles your privacy and security. We do know they may give your personal information to third partings for marketing or promotional purposes. We don't know if they use encryption or provide security updates or manage security vulnerabilities. Another flag for us is that the app that controls this coffee maker accesses you phone's camera, microphone, and tracks your location. Why on earth does the app for a smart coffee maker need access to your camera?
Ce produit peut-il m’espionner ?
Appareil : Non
Application : Oui
Appareil : Non
Application : Oui
Piste la géolocalisation
Appareil : Non
Application : Oui
Que peut-on utiliser pour s’inscrire ?
Adresse e-mail
Compte tiers
Quelles données l’entreprise collecte-t-elle ?
Name, email, phone number, address
Voice recordings (collected by Amazon)
Comment l’entreprise utilise-t-elle les données ?
Comment pouvez-vous contrôler vos données ?
Quel est l’historique de l’entreprise en matière de protection des données des utilisateurs et utilisatrices ?
No known incidents in the last 2 years.
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