iRobot Roomba i Series

iRobot Roomba i Series


Fecha de la reseña: 2 de noviembre de 2020


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La gente votó: Algo siniestro
Let’s face it, vacuuming sucks. Throw in some pets or kids and this Sisyphean task can drain your soul. Well, hello Roomba! This robot vacuum does the work for you. The i Series is the lower end version of the Roomba vacuum. It will map your house, can tell the kitchen from the dinner room, and will vacuum with a "Hey Google, clean up under the table" voice command. A truly wonderful invention. Just don't watch any of those videos where they smear poop all over the floor.

¿Qué podría pasar si algo falla?

A few years back iRobot got into a bit of hot water because it appeared they were mapping users' homes with their Roomba robot vacuum cleaners with potential plans to sell that data. Since then, iRobot has stepped up and made it a point to show they don't sell users' personal data about their lives or homes. And you can choose to not have map data transmitted to iRobot at all. This is very good. Now it seems the biggest thing you have to worry about with your Roomba is it rolling through dog poo on the floor and creating a huge mess.
  • mobile

¿Me puede espiar? Información



Aplicación: No


Dispositivo: No

Aplicación: No

Rastrea la ubicación

Dispositivo: No


¿Qué se puede usar para registrarse?

¿Qué datos recopila la empresa?

¿Cómo utiliza la empresa estos datos?

iRobot does not share personal data with third parties for commerical or marketing purposes.

¿Cómo puedes controlar el uso de tus datos?

You can choose not to have map data transmitted to iRobot. You can request that your data be deleted.

¿Qué historial tiene la compañía en cuanto a la protección de los datos de los usuarios?


No known incidents in the last 2 years.

¿El producto se puede usar sin conexión?

¿La información de privacidad es fácil de entender?

Enlaces a información de privacidad

¿El producto cumple nuestros estándares mínimos de seguridad? Información


Data is encrypted in transit and at rest. The Roomba communicates with the iRobot cloud service using robust encryption. Cleaning Area map data is encrypted and stored in iRobot's cloud infrastructure. Robot information is stored separately from any customer information to de-identify the robot and its associated data from its owner.

Contraseña fuerte

Actualizaciones de seguridad

The Roomba is notified of security updates when connected to the internet.

Gestiona las vulnerabilidades

iRobot runs a private bug bounty program, which means that anyone who finds a security issue and discloses it responsibly may get paid. They also hold hacking events to collaborate with the broad security research community.

Política de privacidad

iRobot has several privacy pages explaining its approach to privacy in simple language. It has Roomba-speciific FAQs and information available.

¿El producto usa IA? Información

Scholarly articles are available about the machine learning used to help Roombas navigate a room and to make recommended cleaning schedules.

¿Es poco confiable esta IA?

No se puede determinar

¿Qué tipo de decisiones toma la IA acerca de ti o por ti?

¿La empresa es transparente acerca del funcionamiento de la IA?

¿Tiene el usuario control sobre las características de la IA?

No se puede determinar

*Privacidad no incluida


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