Door knockers are cool, but so old-fashioned. Door bells are neat, but so analog. Welcome to 24-hour surveillance on your doorstep. Calling this a doorbell is a bit misleading. It’s an HD-video, two-way audio, motion sensor, infrared night vision, 24/7 streaming device that lets you see, hear, and speak to people at your door from your phone or computer. It even lets your pre-recorded messages so you can tell the UPS guy to leave that package behind the bush. Ah, but is the end near for "knock knock" jokes.
¿Qué podría pasar si algo falla?
Nest is owned by Google, which means they have the full force of Google behind their security features, which is a good thing. It also has the full force of Google behind its privacy features and Google wants to learn as much about you as it can. So while video recordings, Voice recordings, and home environment sensor readings won't be used to target you with ads, transcripts of your voice interactions may. That's why it's always good to take time to lock down your privacy settings. Also, you could catch your neighbor dancing naked on cam in front of their window and then never be able to look at them the same ever again, making those neighborhood BBQs quite awkward. One more thing, Google's own device chief says homeowners should warn guests they near a microphone (or video camera) potentially recording them when they visit your home if you own a device like this. We think that is good advice.
¿Me puede espiar?
Dispositivo: Sí
Aplicación: Sí
Dispositivo: Sí
Aplicación: Sí
Rastrea la ubicación
Dispositivo: Sí
Aplicación: Sí
¿Qué se puede usar para registrarse?
Correo electrónico
Cuenta de terceros
¿Qué datos recopila la empresa?
Información personal
Name, email, phone number
Información biométrica
Voice recordings, face match
Información social
¿Cómo utiliza la empresa estos datos?
¿Cómo puedes controlar el uso de tus datos?
¿Qué historial tiene la compañía en cuanto a la protección de los datos de los usuarios?
In 2018, personal information was exposed in several incidents, resulting from access by app developers, exposure by mobile apps, or a bug in Google + API. Google has also stored location data without permission.
¿El producto se puede usar sin conexión?
¿La información de privacidad es fácil de entender?
Enlaces a información de privacidad
¿El producto cumple nuestros estándares mínimos de seguridad?
Uses encryption in transit and at rest.
Contraseña fuerte
Actualizaciones de seguridad
Gestiona las vulnerabilidades
Google has a Security Rewards program, which means that anyone who finds a security issue and discloses it responsibly may get paid.
Política de privacidad
All things Nest have been moved over to the Google Store. Google has a page detailing their privacy principles for Nest products.
Google publishes academic papers about it's AI research ( and makes several tools available via open source.
¿Es poco confiable esta IA?
¿Qué tipo de decisiones toma la IA acerca de ti o por ti?
¿La empresa es transparente acerca del funcionamiento de la IA?
¿Tiene el usuario control sobre las características de la IA?
Profundiza más
The doorbells have eyes: The privacy battle brewing over home security camerasWashington Post
Google exec says Nest owners should probably warn their guests that their conversations are being recordedBusiness Insider
Nest Cams HijackedWired
Video Doorbell Cameras GuideAliza Vigderman and Gabe Turner
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