The In Real Life (IRL) Fund will support work led by not for profit organizations focused on and based in the African continent. The spirit of this call is to amplify and resource initiatives that explore the intersection of social justice and technology, and we encourage applications exploring new ideas that innovate around the lived experiences of Africans.
This is a new Mozilla grant making mechanism that is part of Mozilla’s African Innovation Mradi and designed to promote innovation led by and grounded in the unique needs of users on the African continent.
Through a variety of different grants ranging from $15,000 to $50,000 USD, the IRL Fund will identify and support African partners with emerging ideas, initiatives, projects and strategies that strengthen digital and human rights and impact their communities “In Real Life.”
The grants are targeted at organizations and collectives across the African continent, with a particular focus on Kenya and South Africa, who are working to fuel movements that advance digital and human rights, both on and offline.

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