Parker Teddy Bear

Parker Teddy Bear

Review date: Nov. 1, 2018


Mozilla says

People voted: Somewhat creepy
Parker is a classic teddy bear--all soft and cute and snuggly. No built-in Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, no batteries required. This teddy bear comes with an app you download to your phone or tablet. Once you have both, your kid points the app at the design on Parker's tummy and the app recognizes it and starts to play. Kids can see if Parker is healthy. Cure a tummy ache and watch Parker's happiness meter goes up. Examine Parker's bones and unlock new ways to play together. Kinda takes playing doctor to a whole new level.

What could happen if something goes wrong?

Not much. There is actually very little 'smart tech' involved in Parker, it's all done on the app. The app does use the phone or tablet's camera though.
  • mobile

Can it snoop on me? information


Device: No

App: Yes


Device: No

App: No

Tracks location

Device: No

App: No

What can be used to sign up?

What data does the company collect?

How does the company use this data?

How can you control your data?

What is the company’s known track record of protecting users’ data?


Can this product be used offline?

Can’t Determine

User-friendly privacy information?


Links to privacy information

Does this product meet our Minimum Security Standards? information



Can’t Determine

Strong password

Can’t Determine

The app doesn't pair with a device, rather the app recognizes the design on the teddy bear's tummy through the camera on the phone or table.

Security updates


Manages vulnerabilities

Can’t Determine

Privacy policy


Does the product use AI? information

Can’t Determine

Is this AI untrustworthy?

Can’t Determine

What kind of decisions does the AI make about you or for you?

Is the company transparent about how the AI works?

Can’t Determine

Does the user have control over the AI features?

Can’t Determine

*Privacy Not Included


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