Garmin Vivosport
Life is hard. If you need a fitness tracking gadget to remind you of that, this one has an all-day stress tracking feature. What helps stress? Exercise! Go outside, follow a workout mapped for you by this little bracelet, compete against others online, and share all of that on social media. Now, take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Ahhhh.
What could happen if something goes wrong?
It could overshare just how stressed out you are on social media and we all know social media is only for sharing how great life is.
Can it snoop on me?
Device: No
App: Yes
Device: No
App: No
Tracks location
Device: Yes
App: Yes
What can be used to sign up?
Can’t Determine
Can’t Determine
Third-party account
Can’t Determine
What data does the company collect?
Body related
How does the company use this data?
How can you control your data?
What is the company’s known track record of protecting users’ data?
Can this product be used offline?
User-friendly privacy information?
Links to privacy information
Does this product meet our Minimum Security Standards?
Strong password
Security updates
Manages vulnerabilities
Privacy policy
Dive Deeper
We read your wearable tech's privacy policy so you don't have toWareable
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