Mozilla News Beat

Black Lives Matter

This week has seen powerful protests all around the world demanding justice for George Floyd and racial equality. Here are some of the most powerful signs shared on the internet from protests across the US. Via Vice

Tech Problem

Much of the technology we use today is racist. Our tech tools and algorithms were designed with bias against people of color built-in. To keep technology from furthering racism, we must confront these biases. Via MIT Technology Review

Not Helping

Many big tech companies publicly voiced support of #BlackLivesMatter this week while doing little to stop products and policies that help spread racism and allow police to track black people. Via Wired

Nowhere to Hide

There’s a growing use of surveillance technology to monitor protests--real-time facial recognition, phone tracking, drones--making it harder for protesters to remain anonymous. Via Reuters

Know Your Rights

The right to peacefully protest is enshrined in the First Amendment to the US Constitution. The ACLU put together a list to help protesters for racial justice know their rights and stay safe. Via ACLU

How To Stay Private

Here are some steps protesters can take to protect their digital privacy. Tips include use the messaging app Signal, turn off location tracking, encrypt your phone, and create new social media accounts for protest content. Via Vice

Blur Those Photos

Thousands of videos and pictures from protests all around the world are powerfully fueling change. One recommendation privacy experts have to keep protesters safe from retaliation is to blur faces in photos before they are shared. Here’s how. Via Mashable

Racism = The World’s Problem

Systematic racism is a problem all around the world. Australians have joined the call online of #BlackLivesMatter as they confront racism against the 432 Indigenous people killed in custody in Australia without a conviction. Via Pedestrian

In Europe Too

Racial justice advocates in Europe hope the #BlackLivesMatter protests in the US will help raise awareness about the problems of police brutality in Europe, hidden in part because of confusing laws about filming police and posting video online. Via Politico EU

Zuckerberg’s Fail

Civil rights leaders this week came out strongly against Mark Zuckerberg’s decision to allow President Trump's calls for violence to be spread on Facebook unchecked. Via HuffPost

Beware of Hoaxes

BuzzFeed News is keeping a running list of debunked hoaxes and disinformation spread on the internet about the racial justice protests in support of George Floyd. Via BuzzFeed News


Three activists weigh in on how white people can step up now to be good allies in the fight for racial justice. All agree the first step is to listen more than you speak. Via Vox

Simple Way to Help

Want to help support #BlackLivesMatter but don’t have money to donate or the ability to go protest? YouTubers are creating monetized videos you can watch that help support the fight for racial justice. Just remember to temporarily turn off those ad-blockers. Via Polygon

Good Dogs Know

Dogs are the best. They always seem to know just what to do to help you feel better. Here’s Buddy, a very good dog who joined this week’s peaceful protests to let the world know #BlackLivesMatter. Via Metro

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