Mozilla Fellow Frederike Kaltheuner will lead a Twitter chat on April 28, exploring how online privacy and security are intersecting with coronavirus

Frederike Kaltheuner twitter chat details

Each day, the coronavirus pandemic intersects with technology in unexpected — and sometimes harmful — ways. Internet users are faced with questions like: Do we have to trade our privacy to protect public health? Are social media platforms profiting from coronavirus misinformation? And, how secure are the video conferencing apps we now rely on?

On April 28, Mozilla Fellow Frederike Kaltheuner (@F_Kaltheuner) will answer questions just like these during a live one-hour @mozilla Twitter chat. Frederike’s discussion will unpack the way technology is helping and harming us, at a moment when more people than ever before are relying on the internet for quality information and social interaction.

The conversation is slated for 8am PT / 11am ET / 4pm BST on Tuesday, April 28, and you can submit questions ahead of time by tweeting @mozilla with the hashtag #TrustworthyTechnology.

As a Mozilla Fellow, Frederike is primarily examining applications of AI systems that classify, judge, and evaluate people’s identities, feelings, and emotions, in order to uncover where and how such technology is currently deployed. She is also developing domain-specific recommendations for standards and regulations (beyond data protection). Before joining Mozilla, Frederike was a director at Privacy International in London, where she led the organisation’s strategic work on corporate surveillance and emerging technology. Frederike has given expert evidence in the European Parliament, the Belgium Parliament, and the UK House of Lords. She holds an MSc in Internet Science from the University of Oxford and a BA in Philosophy and Politics from Maastricht University.

Mozilla’s Twitter Chat is a digital expansion of Dialogues & Debates, our speaker series that usually occurs in-person at MozFest each year. We’re expanding the series into virtual terrain, to bring internet users the information they need to understand and advocate for a healthy and humane digital world. Watch past Dialogues & Debates here.

MozFest is part art, tech and society convening, part maker festival, and the premiere gathering for activists in diverse global movements fighting for a more humane digital world. To learn more, visit

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