This Spring Solstice experience #MozFest AI-Amusement Park: the other side of machine learning, blockchain & the new internet hyper-hyper prophets.
“Madness radness! This is excellent being in the MozFest 2023, Trustworthy AI & AI-Musement Park artivist mix for my Twenty Twenty’s manifestation of MONDO Vanilli together with MONDO 2000 friends. As we accelerate into a darker cavern built by MONDO’s anarcho-capitalist pals (we were a too-friendly sorts) the cypherpunks, and sink at last into the unalloyed chaos of mass digitization. Now merging with gold-rush obsessions with inauthentic/authentic/inauthentic cryptocurrencies with Joker names and Riddler brandings. All the better to run scams or keep your stash (sort-of) hidden from the man and the rise and fall and vaguely re-arisen moment of the NFT… which I am vaguely against/aghast!”
R.U. Sirius, Co-Creator of MONDO 2000 & MONDO Vanilli
Join Us! On Spring Solstice 2023 For “R.U. Cyber? :// Mondo 2000 History Project Salon” at MozFest Virtual Plaza & Mozilla Hubs: AI-Musement Park
20th March / 8.30pm Europe / London Time
R.U. Cyber :// R.U. Against NFTs.. Immersive Experience takes the perspective of an AI system that is training itself on the R.U. Sirius 'I'm Against NFT's' song lyrics, exploring a surreal and mind melting 360 world of paradoxes and conflicting rules. The experience challenges our assumptions about the nature of technology, creativity, and value, reminding us that the digital world is shaped by powerful forces that determine what is valued and what is not.
The original I'm Against NFTs song is a satirical, irreverent block-chain busting commentary on the 'Web 3' hype around non-fungible tokens and the broader issues that underpin our hyper-connected infinite scrolling age. The song is a rejection of the idea that money is the be-all and end-all of human existence and a critique of the deep-seated corruption and power imbalances that shape our economic systems. R.U. Sirius may or may not be against NFTs, but his song is a broader indictment of the global technocrat homoeconomicus system that values profit over people, and nothing comes for free.
R.U. Sirius is an American writer, editor, and media pioneer. Known for being one of key psychedelic & cyberpunk movement figures. Best known as Mondo 2000 editor-in-chief and co-founder of this late 20th Century cyberculture movement.
The official “R.U.Cyber :// R.U. Against NFTs” MONDO 2000 History Project in collaboration with RU Sirius, Scrappi DuChamp, MONDO Vanilli, Blag Dahlia, Eleanor Dare, PlayLa.bZ, FreekMinds & PsychFi.
Written by PlayLa.bZ
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