A group of 4 panelists sitting on a stage with a purple background. In the fore ground, you can see the backs of people's heads with one hand raised.
Mozilla Festival 2019 | Photo by Henry Kenyon

Do you speak Spanish? A good number of the sessions at MozFest 2023 do as well. We have interactive sessions, workshops, lightning talks, Slack channels and more. The sessions beginning March 20 will touch on the use of data in communication, digital communities with visions of the future, legal reforms that favor women’s rights and conversations that question why the archives of so many movements and experiences are kept by the big platforms.

People involved in communication will find keys to fight disinformation and also exciting discussions on fact-checking (and beyond). There will be groups of young university students asking questions to Artificial Intelligence and also invitations to collective reflections on the real advances that technology brings.

Unsurprisingly, activism will also play a prominent role: we will have important conversations about building campaigns to defend digital rights and fundamental tools for the protection of LGBTQI communities online will be shared.

There will be experts in education, research, public policy, social change, women's rights and LGBTQI+ communities, student collectives and the rights of younger generations. There will be exchanges, storytelling, Miro boards, videos, and so many, many ideas, which will surely overflow in other spaces inside and outside MozFest.

And this is just the beginning!

Check out the sessions in Spanish in the program and spread the word! We want to have a million friends so we can talk to more people ;)

A close up of a woman with dark hair and eyes looking at the camera smiling

Laura Vidal has been working on language inclusion with MozFest since 2021. Laura is also a linguist and has a PhD in education and informal learning; she specializes in virtual communities and intercultural exchanges.